Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mom's are amazing!!!

I am simply blown away by my wifes perserverance. Last night was very difficult. It was our first night at home and I think it had been a bit of overlead with Harper and her mother. As wonderful as it was to have family with us celebrating these first moments, I also know tyhat Amanda was exhausted and I think that was effecting the feeding.

Harper just did not want to get a good feed and in turn ended up very restless. We were up at 12:30, 1:30, 3, & finally 4 when she finally got a soild meal and rested till 6:30 when Amanda woke her up to feed. Amanda was too kind and did not wake me to help. It is for those reasons that I am just in awe of her. Although I am doing all that I am able to help with the child, there is not much I can do about the actual feeding except stimulate Harpers jaw and try to coax some of the milk out of the breast (trust me it is not a sexy moment).

It is Amanda who must, every three hours, go thru the process of getting the feeding area ready (an ordeal to be sure) and then have Harper try and feed which is uncomfortable, awkward and at times painful when the latch is not good. And yet, every three hours, without fail Amanda goes to it with incredible willpower and determination.

Even more amazing, Amanda makes me feel like my attempts at a tight swaddle are somehow keeping us equal in the rearing of this child. I don't know how it is possible, but I love her more now than I ever have.

Sappy, sappy. Whatever. This blog is for me.

3 cheers for mothers everywhere. Especially the mom I call my wife. (And some mad props for my own mom as well:)

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