Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 2

Harper's second full day is coming to a close and to any one who has been or is a parent it will be no surprise that I am very tired and running on fumes of joy. Sitting here in our private cave of a hospital room listening to Bob Marley, I occasionally look over towards the bed to hear the coo of my daughter and the snore of my bride as both sleep soundly between feedings. I am in ecstasy.

Reflecting on the short time Harper has been with us, I think I am most surprised at my emotional reaction to all these changes. Anyone who has ever been around me for even a bit knows that I am a fairly sensitive guy who can be easily quick to tear. I am man enough to admit that Amanda wears the pants in this family. I honestly expected I would react in Hollywood fits of crying but I have been somewhat struck by how quiet I have been in my connection with Harper. She has enraptured me and sucked me in. Its almost as if she has helped release the internal feelings I have tried so hard to get in touch with in my acting career. She just lies there in my arms, doing nothing, and I can't take my eyes off her and after 20 minutes I feel tired in my cheek muscles and realize I have been beaming the entire time. I suddenly feel less of the boy-child I have been the past 36 years, and, while maybe not a full MAN yet, there is a strong sense of responsibility now. Leave it to a newborn to get me to grow up.

Amanda and I make a pretty good team. Already we have worked pretty hard to establish routines and are sharing the work load as best we can. I'm not bad at changing a diaper and I am slowly mastering the ninja-swaddle. I think Amanda is pretty overwhelmed with the task and demands of breast feeding and so she is counting on my to be involved in those things I am capable of doing.  There is something satisfying in a tight swaddle beyond the fact it puts Harper out.

Dede  (my mom) came for a visit early this morning and Gramps (my Dad) came later in the afternoon in all his motorcycle gear having ridden to the hospital. I think he wants his granddaughter to know he's a pretty cool dude. Later in the afternoon Amanda's folks final arrived and they both melted upon meeting Harper. This is their 3rd grandchild so they have a little more experience but were no less joyful to meet the newest addition to the family. Granddaddy's (Amanda's Dad) big hands gently cuddled Harpers body as if they were sculpted for such moments. When the nurse came in to take her vitals, Mama (Amanda's mom) did not want to give her up. Harper is so blessed to have come into the world with such a loving family. I hope as she grows she will come to appreciate her great fortune. I suppose that is my job to see that she does not take anything for granted.

Amanda's sister Steph wil come to visit tomorrow morning and then we go home to all the excitement of sharing Harper with the world outside the hospital. I have to admit that is has been wonderful here at Mission. Every time I walk outside the room I see hordes of families waiting to go into rooms and visit with new moms and their children. My parents two short visits and Amanda's folks today have been our only guests with the exception of the nurses and doctors. We have had such wonderful bonding moments with just the three of us. As excited as we are to go home and introduce Harper to her cousins and friends I think we have a new sense of the value of "family time" and will be instituting "visiting hours" at home.


  1. I'm so glad the three of you are enjoying peaceful, uninterrupted family time at the hospital! I'll be in Cherokee for the summer, where can I turn in my application for visiting time with the Savages? :)


  2. I'm so happy for you guys; this child of yours couldn't have better parents and not only will she have the love and support of her parents, but we'll always be there for help and affection. Congrats, you two, and get some rest while you can Amanda!

  3. It is written, it is read, but nothing can come close to describing the depth of love a parent has for a child.

  4. Well said. Crying thinking about those first days with my girls. Enjoy and sleep whenever possible.
